Unfortunately in Italy we are going through tough times. With this Coronavirus Phenomenon we are having troubles. We are stuck home, as you can see I am just recording this video from home. We are all working from home because we are not allowed to go outside, and this is a struggle for us.
As well, with the coronavirus nobody of course is visiting Sicily anymore. So we are going through and we are struggling with this problem.
What are we asking you with this video is to support us. I know you cannot come to visit Sicily, but we really believe in this project.
We really and truly believe that people can help us in bring up our project.
And we would be super happy and very happy and we look forward to meeting you in Sicily as soon as possible.
Also we know that every single help would really make a difference.
Every donation will receive a free voucher to join a city walk with us!
We look forward to meeting you in Sicily.
So thank you very much and grazie mille for your help!